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Excellent craftsmen
know that success is always
a work in process.
We follow principles, not dogma. Project management is equal parts art and science.
Our ability to understand the needs and circumstances of our clients is one of our core strengths. All decisions we make and all steps we take align with the strategic goals of the project at hand, avoiding costly adjustments and revisions down the line. Our workflow is optimized to introduce the right skills at the right time, minimizing unnecessary overhead.
The result is a refined experience that bolsters trust through timely and meaningful communication—with no needless spending involved.

There’s a wide variety of management techniques out there, from waterfall and agile to scrum and kanban. We’ve taken the most valuable elements from each to create a proprietary agile-based methodology. Read more about our unique approach to managing complex projects.
Every project starts with a minimum viable product, or MVP. An MVP only includes features without which the product literally could not function (e.g., a homepage, login, registration, etc.). Once we have an MVP to start out with, we begin a different process of designing the product roadmap, referred to as lean product design. Read more about how we apply lean product design principles to accelerate products to market and quickly adapt to user feedback.
Development progress is measured by observing a metric called velocity. In order to determine velocity, each team member’s daily and weekly productivity is compared with their original effort estimates. Read more about how we use velocity data to achieve 95%+ project completion accuracy.