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Make your brand stand out
When we analyze the competition of one of our clients, we also look for what sets our client apart—what makes them stand out from the rest. That’s the peg we hang our project on.
Examining the competition allows us to see what’s out there and already working, as well as the things that could work but aren’t out there yet. When we designed a wellness app called eMindful, our UX designer spent hours testing over 20 other mindfulness applications. The result: lots of deep breathing, and lots of insight.
Designers don’t always need to reinvent the wheel. Confused customers aren’t happy customers. Finding a button on the wrong side of the screen can feel like finding the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car.
With these constraints understood, true creativity can shine. ATTCK knows how to walk the line between a site that’s new, confusing, and frustrating and a site that’s new, intuitive, and engaging.