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Time for TimeCoins
Time Republik came to us with a fairly substantial request — reimagine and rebuild their entire web experience. The core concept was simple: one hour = one Time Coin. Through this platform, users could share their skillset with other users, and in exchange could utilize skills from other users.
Plan of ATTCK
This redesign was to be a significant undertaking. In order to deliver the best product, we needed to understand the underlying business proposition and map that to key features users currently had and the ones we wanted to add. We first performed extensive research and user testing to identify where and how users were currently interacting. We then created messaging that clearly described their unique positioning with the market. Their concept was unique and needed special treatment to help users understand.
The entire web application is built with custom React.js and integrates with their existing APIs, many of which were augmented to support the new feature requirements. We worked with Time Republik’s internal technical team to outline a versioned API which could be tested and deployed without disrupting their existing site.
The result was a seamless production launch.

Brand strategy
Our biggest challenge was that Time Republik’s initial selling point was to propose that 1 hour of time = 1 Time Coin. After speaking with users, in order to maintain equality and retain users, we determined that users should be able to decide how many Time Coins their time was worth.
After all, advice from someone with 30 years of specific industry experience didn’t carry the same value as, say a high school student.
User Experience
Starting with information architecture allowed us to envision what the entire experience would encompass. It also allowed us to define navigation paths between primary screens.

Visual Identity
We designed an entirely new identity for Time Republik. From the logo, to color palette, typography, iconography, graphic design, and copywriting, we thought everything through with meticulous detail.
Illustration & Animation
One of the most fun parts of anything we work on is creating custom graphics and animations. For Time Republik, we produced a suite of iconography, banner graphics, animated logos, and load screen indicators. The result is a fun and approachable, yet intentional and professional experience.

The result of nearly a year of work is a truly full-featured application, including private and public groups, messaging, friend connections, a job request queue and completion workflow, user services listings and reviews, notifications, faceted search across multiple contexts, and automated record system for earned Time Coins.
We are grateful to every single person on the team who dedicated so much time to making something we are all incredibly proud of!